
The Message of Genesis 1–11: The Dawn of Creation is unavailable, but you can change that!

The early chapters of Genesis proclaim the origin of the world and of human life on earth. They uncover the origins of evil. They illuminate the meaning of freedom. They express the harmony of creation, evoke wonder as God is portrayed in his creative power and beauty, and ultimately show us how and why we are—offering hope for the renewal of our natural world and for the healing of our broken...

be received as a gift from the Creator. However, even in the world after the Flood—as we have seen several times before—life is lived in tension. What is given as a blessing can become a source of temptation. The vine which Noah planted eventually takes control of him. Even the man of faith can be overtaken by temptations which become too strong to handle. It seems clear from this text that Noah was lured into the immodesty of nakedness—often regarded as a disgrace and source of shame in the Bible.
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